Thursday 27 January 2011

Section 2 - American Psycho Screening Notes


- Low key, discordant (Jarred strings)
- Parallel to visual, visual sense is pleasant and contradictory to the music.
- Ominous.
- Second scene - sound is loud and foreboding.
- When the killer meets the woman outside the hotel, music become tense - feeling of suspense built.

Mise En Scene

Knife at beginning with blood red credits - Foreshadowing
Modern, feeling of higher class displayed
Bright colours (White) used, contrasts with moods.
White in apartment used to demonstrate cleanliness and purity.

Narrative is that of a sophisticated man, de- realisation occurs (foreshadows dark intentions)


Eye view shots used in apartment.
Long shots used - apartment
Close ups used - Dry cleaners
Worm eye view, outside hotel.

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