Sunday 23 January 2011

Section 6 - Shooting Script

Film starts with Black Screen [Opening credits [[Just “Boss Level productions]] fade in and roll from side of screen ] which fades into the main antagonist [wearing a hooded top] looking at a giant map with the camera situated behind him. At this point, we are not sure who the antagonist is. The mysterious figure shadily places a picture of a figure [First victim although we do not know this yet] onto the map. The character then walks to the table. The shot switches to the back of the antagonist partially revealing their face but we still do not have any clear indication who this character is. The shot cuts to a close up of the picture that he has just placed on the map with the surrounding map behind it [[Credits of the first actor flies in from the right, stays in the top right corner for a few seconds, then exits to the left]]

The shot switches to a worm eye view of the antagonist’s front, partially revealing his/her face under the hooded top, but he/she quickly turns away so nothing is revealed. The next shot shows the antagonist walking across the room, with the camera pedding from the shoulders down to their feet. The next shot is from under the table [[Low Shot]] and shows the antagonist walking towards it. We do not see the upper section of the body.
Shot 9 is a medium shot from the view of the antagonists eyes onto his workshop where he appears to be developing photos of other people similar to the first. Red light shines on the table so we know this involves photo development.
Shot 10 is a close up of the map [[At this point, similar to the first credit the 2nd credit comes in from the left, pauses in the bottom left corner of the screen and exits to the right of the screen]] with the camera crabbing to the next picture.
 Shot 11 is an eye level mid shot of the antagonist slowly taking their glove off and setting it on the table.
Shot 12 is an extra close up [[canted angle]] of the pictures on the desk. Shot 13 is similar to shot 11 but with the opposite glove.
Shot 14 is a birds eye view of the table [[Mid Long Shot]] and during it, the antagonist calmly sets his/her gloves on the table.
Shot 15 is also a canted shot but of the knife upon the table. From the side of the light, the hand comes in and picks up the knife, obscuring shot, make sure sound of knife moving is heard.
Shot 16: Long shot of antagonist from behind, standing at the table. Antagonist is moving hands in front of hhim as though arranging something on the table.

Shot 17: Mid shot of the antagonist holding the knife and moving hands and body into position at the desk – we do not know why yet. We do not see their face and they are obscured waist down by the table.
Shot 18: This one is a high angled mid long shot that is keeping track of the antagonist at the table.  Everything past the table will be blurred out of focus.
Shot 19: An extra close up of the antagonists eyes through the mask, eyes are locked in concentration and appear to be looking down.
Shot 20: Close up of the map we saw before. Camera crabs through each picture so we can see the edits by paint to the pictures. It is not revealed who we are or what has happened to them. Creators name in subtitle form comes in from the bottom right and exits bottom left.
Shot 21: Over the shoulder mid shot – we can see the items on the table and the hand movements of the protagonist, who is preparing to use the knife.
Shot 22: Extra close up of the ruler lining up against the picture, items are clearly seen.
Shot 23: Extra close up of the knife slicing straight down the picture.
Shot 24: Mid long shot, the camera crabs from right to left with the antagonist out of shot so we get a good view of the room. We see the antagonist cutting the next line.
Shot 25: An extra close up of the cut the antagonist has just made in the picture.
Shot 26: Mid close up of the antagonist lining up the ruler to make the next cut.  The arm with the knife swings down out of shot so we no longer see the knife or the hand.
Shot 27: Mid close up from the front of the table, we see antagonist preparing to cut the bottom line. Antagonists starts to do so, switch to shot 28 at this point.
Shot 28: A medium close up so we can see all of the antagonist’s facial features except the very top of the head as this is partially obscured by the hood. The antagonist bites lip – shows signs of worry and nerves.
Shot 29: A worms eye long shot from the characters left. We can see their full body except the shoes and the face which are covered. We can see what the antagonist is doing on the table.
Shot 30: Close up of the bottom of the map – camera crabs between the pictures in the lower section. Jake’s name in subtitles enters top left and exits top right.
Shot 31: Mid long shot birds eye view over the table, we see antagonist cutting the final line from the picture.
Shot 32: A mid close up of the cut out picture, Hand holding knife sweeps across the screen from left to right.
Shot 33: Mid shot from the front of the table that shows the antagonist carefully removing the excess paper from around the picture.
Shot 34: A close up of the paint pot next to the glass of water, camera pans right as the antagonist opens it.
Shot 35: A close up of a paint brush being pulled out of the pot. We do not see too much of the hand and the focus is on the pot.
Shot 36: Mid close up of the paint pot. We see the brush being dipped in and pulled out.    
Shot 37: Mid long shot over the shoulder of the paint brush stabbing into the picture. We can see the details of the table.
Shot 38: Extra close up of the picture just come out. Antagonist paints a red cross across the targets face – we do not see the picture clearly at this point.
Shot 39: Mid shot close up of glass of water. Antagonist stirs the brush in the ater and it turns red – shot lingers on the red water for a second.
Shot 40: Mid long shot of the table. Antagonist leans in and brings the photo up towards her nose.
Shot 41: Mid long shots from behind the table – antagonist turns away and walks towards the map in the background.
Shot 42: Mid long shot of the antagonist walking to camera left. Camera crabs with her over to the left.
Shot 43: Mid long shot from eye level, antagonist comes to stand by the map.
Shot 44: Mid over the shoulder, we see the antagonist placing the picture on the map.
Shot 45: Close up of the antagonists face, background is blurred out, we see the antagonist smile.
Shot 46: Close up of the map. Camera crabs to the newly placed picture and it zooms in so we can completely see the picture. The picture fades into shot 47 –
Shot 47: Mid close up at eye level, shot 46 fades into a shot of the protagonist and then fades to black.

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