Thursday 27 January 2011

Section 2 -Se7en Screening Notes

   Early in the year, we watched the entire Se7en film starring Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt and Kevin Spacey, and then we were asked to analyse the opening ten minutes or so.

It starts with Morgan Freeman's character, Detective Somerset, in his apartment.

- He knows what he's doing from when he gets up, it's almost exact routine to him.
- We get the sense he's been doing his job for a long time.
- We see Somerset is lonely, we see the way he keeps the metronome going.
- Sounds of dogs barking, people arguing, loud cars - citty life.

He then goes to work, and we see he is a private eye investigating a murder:

- Shock element (Obesity, nudity, blood)
- Det. Mills always arguing with Somerset - their characters don't get along. (Been in contact)
- Somerset mentions he is retiring soon.
- "Seven Days" mentioned early - foreshadowing.

It then switches to the title credits. In the background, an unseen hand makes notes. More foreshadowing - notes come up again later in the film. When writing in the books he seems very articulate - shows time, patience and cunning.

At some point we see Det.Mills apartment and home life.

- Boxes unpacked - wife (Tracy) almost reluctant to unpack.
- Makes it clear she has a problem with the apartment, wants to move.
- Low key light - No artificial light, but we see it is early dawn.

Mills is vulnerable in his new surroundings but Somerset knows it like the back on his hand.

- On first job, just before, police officer mentions Spaghetti - odd thing to mention.
- Somerset wants Mills to know he's in charge, Mills wants Somerset to know he isn't going to be pushed around.

"Monday" stencilled on the screen signifies the plot is time based (Start of the week, start of the revolution.)

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