Wednesday 26 January 2011

Section 3 - Brainstorm of Content and Classification of Film

After planning, we decided the most appropriate certificate for the thriller would be a 15. This, we decided, would allow us to put across different thriller conventions, and include violence to a degree, without completely alienating our biggest audience (Teenagers). We felt an 18 would be inappropriate because it we do not have an intention for it to include extreme violence or frequent sex scenes as is common in 18 films. Also, over 18's will normally be in work and not have enough time to go to the cinema even if they wanted to. There is no sexual nudity in our film, and there are no illegal substances will will influence anybody, also there are not massive amount of swearing.

Idea 1In an ordinary day two pub owners say goodbye to each other outside a pub, one walks home and the other locks up but feeling around in her pockets doesn't feel the keys to lock up which she is sure she had. As she goes back inside the lightswitch does not work; using a torch she searches the pub for the keys. She enters the pitch black dark store room of the pub and on the top shelf she finds the keys, how could of they got there? When she picks them up she hears rustling in another room, she goes in to investigate when suddenly something jumps out and attacks her which is not shown. Suddenly she wakes up and what she just experienced is a vision of what is going to happen somewhere in the future. When will it be and will she make it out alive?

Idea 2- Masquerade
A mysterious person is placing points on a map of a city in different locations. The main Protagonist Martin Hallwood is an ordinary person who starts getting messages from this mysterious person and he must solve the puzzle before the next person is killed but he never gets there in time, their is always a mask on the victims face which gives clues to the next murder scene. Who is taking him on this wild goose chase? it turns out to be his ex-girlfriend who he used to abuse; stalking him and putting his life through hell as he used to do to her.

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