Thursday 27 January 2011

Section 2 - Red Eye Opening - Screening Notes


The main character and protagonist of the film (Lisa) is running to catch her flight. This displays a linear quality of the narrative as both her actions and her dialogue and helping the plot to progress. She is shown helping a panicky new worker at her hotel with regulars, who mention that Lisa always gives them what they want. Lisa is quick to respond over the phone, which give her away as a strong, confident character who has a lot of experience. However, when she is arguing with the man in the airport we see her as vulnerable.

Mise En Scene

I noticed that when Lisa was on the phone to her father, she was open, in a noisy airport whilst the film switched between her father and her. Her father seems to be a man who is alone and vulnerable to attack, and when we see that she is going to visit her father, we get to sense that vulnerability is going to befall her. Also, the city does not appear to be overcrowded on massively noisy - this contrasts with city life in Se7en where Somerset cannot get to sleep because of the noisy city. Some people like myself were familiar with the term "Red Eye Flight" but I did not link it to the title of the film. The mise en scene represents her arriving at the airport at a very dark hour, which helped me to link the two.


There were very few long shots and quite a lot of close ups, like the ones with the airport board and Lisa's fathers wallet. There was an instance of over shoulder shots when her father walks into Lisa's old bedroom.

Codes and Conventions

We can not see who takes Lisa's fathers wallet, and we cannot we who is going through the papers at the start of the clip, by hiding these from the audience and viewers it creates suspense.


Orchestra music is used, with added crescendos to highlight suspenseful climaxes.

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