Thursday 27 January 2011

Section 2: Screening Notes - Opening 5 Minutes of Jaws

Mise En Scene:

Plants and dim light and rocks underwater allow us to immediately associate the sea with this. The next shot is of a beach, where we can see the sea - we know the threat is very close by. We assume that one of the teenagers will be involved with the dark threat in the sea as soon as they start to go swimming - which is a clear contrast to the Question Answer theory model but it also works with it. The wooden fence which they run past has chunks missing out of it - this could symbolise the bites that the shark will take out of Chrissie when she goes swimming. Also, when Chrissie strips her clothes off to go swimming we can say that her vulnerability and protection has been stripped away.


- Immediately, before we even see an image we hear a pulsing sound that we can immediately asscociate with a submarine (Sonar waves) which immediately tells us that the film will have an aquatic theme - Digetic sounds.
- The music when we are travelling along the seabed using eye view is very low key and minor - creates dark mood - builds to crescendo to create suspense.
- Laughter from teenagers contrasts with the dark mass in the water nearby.

Camera work:

- Eye view from the shark - we do not actually see the shark so it is up to us to decide what it may be - creates suspense.
- Wide long shot when girl is swimming in the sea - we see just how much water and open space is around her - expresses her vulnerability.


Opening credits - white titles consumed by a black background indicates the lurking menace of the shark. Also, the sudden appearance of each title suggests the speed and nature of the threat. Theatrical posters for the film depict a shark - by seeing these beforehand we can make an appropriate guess to the threat.

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